公開日 2024.10.30
Jens Stellhorn gave an invited presentation on "Atomic Structure of Bismuth Silicate Glass with high Dielectric Permittivity" at the workshop titled "Explore a small mystery in non-crystalline materials with 1 MW J-PARC beam / 1 MWパワーで探れ、非晶質の中の小さな不思議 ―「自由」と「束縛」の協奏曲―" held at AYA'S LABORATORY in the Quantum Beam Research Center (Tokai, Ibaraki). This event gathered researchers to explore novel insights into the atomic-scale structure and dynamics of disordered materials.
During the workshop, there was a visit to the MLF facility at J-PARC, where participants were able to observe the state-of-the-art experimental stations dedicated to materials science. The workshop also offered the chance to engage in discussions with students, postdoctoral researchers, and fellow experts, sharing insights on advanced techniques such as pair distribution function (PDF) analysis and neutron scattering, both essential for exploring atomic structures in non-crystalline materials.